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- Subtitle blue (large) is editable in ---> Content Element Settings ---> Header Content
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- Image ---> Content Element Settings ---> Header Content ( TIP: make sure that images are in format .png)
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- Write your number & subtitle in one line
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- Add the Heading 4 Format
- Highlight the subtitle and press the ITALIC BUTTON
- Finally highlight the all text and add the UNORDERED LIST.
The middle statistic has a custom class "large". Make sure when adding new ones to be always in this format (small large small - small large small - small large small ).
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Gratz at a Glance
Affordable and Flexible Online Degree Programs for Working Professionals
Gratz College serves a continuum of learners with an array of online graduate, certificate, and continuing education for professionals, such as CLE courses for lawyers, and teen programs. Our students hail from across the nation and the world, representing a diverse range of backgrounds, affiliations, and professional experiences.
News + Events Instructions
Title & Subtitle
- Title (small) is editable in ---> Container Settings ---> Toggle Title
- Subtitle blue (large) is editable in ---> Container Settings ---> Header Content
- Link ---> Container Settings ---> Footer Content
- Select your board as you desire for FEATURED & NEWS posts (with the default settings)
- TIP: make sure to add the same amount of text as per design
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News + Events
Happening at Gratz
Featured Post
This coursework will equip teachers with practical knowledge to address learning diversity and the rapidly expanding needs of students within their classrooms.
- Featured
The Greater Philadelphia Antisemitism Town Hall brings together top local leaders and experts at the forefront of countering antisemitism to share their latest initiatives, programs, and strategies.
- Event
An ardent defender of both Judaism and Confederate nationalism, Emma Mordecai kept a diary during the last year of the Civil War that brings to life food shortages, local sociability, Jewish observances, sounds and sights of battle, and the very personal ramifications of emancipation for her household and family.
- Event
Celebrate the launch of the Master of Science in Special Education with this webinar by Jonathan Mooney. Mooney, a neuro-diverse child diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD, didn't learn to read until he was twelve. He will share his journey and offer teachers and parents new ways of thinking about diversity and disability in the classroom.
- Event
View the Gratz College interactive year-in-review impact report.
- Announcement
Learn how your passion for Israel and desire to help others can transform lives.
- Event
Jewish history offers a lot to consider as the United States prepares for a new 250th in 2026.
- Announcement
Left Text
- Title (small) is editable in ---> Content Element Settings ---> Toggle Title
- Subtitle blue (large) is editable in ---> Content Element Settings ---> Header Content
- Info Text ---> Main Content
Select your board as you desire in ---> Post Element Settings. (TIP: make sure to add the same amount of text as per design).
Link is editable in ---> Container Settings ---> Footer Content.
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