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Gratz College
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Master of Education

teacher in classroom

The Gratz College Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree is an online, 30 credit (10 course) program designed for teachers currently teaching in classrooms or other educational spaces. Guided by the principle of Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World), the program advocates for learning that matters, for transformative potential in education, and for advancing the ideas of equity, inclusion and social action.

The program invites students who want to critically engage with their practice and the greater educational terrain. As a student, you will be joining a community of scholar practitioners and encouraged to think broadly and creatively about teaching and learning.

The 8 week, asynchronous courses allow students to learn from individual work and reflection, from other students, and from our faculty of practitioners. We hope students leave our program re-energized about teaching and inspired to continue their good work in the world.

Students wishing to specialize in Jewish Instructional Education may choose a special curriculum concentration which includes courses in Jewish Studies, teaching methods, and Fundamentals & Orientations in Jewish Education.

Guided by the principle of Tikkun Olam, the program advocates for learning that matters, for transformative potential in education, and for advancing the ideas of equity, inclusion and social action.

The best part was how the instructor connected the course content and the students' responses/work. The weekly videos added a personal touch to the online platform and made me feel more connected to the instructor and the other students.
— Anonymous Student Evaluation


The M.Ed. program is designed for students who already have - or do not require - certification.

The 8 week, asynchronous courses will offer students active learning opportunities to reflect on their teaching practice, share insights and learning with each other, and take new ideas back to their instructional spaces.

3 required foundational courses explore essential topics in contemporary education. After that, an integrated concentration opportunity allows students to design their own path, selecting courses that best speak to their current interests and experience.

Please note: this program does not lead to professional state licensure or certification.

View Course Offerings Program paths

Philip Moore, program director

Meet the Program Director


Thank you for your interest in the M.Ed. program! I have been teaching adult students since 2002 and believe that the best learning experiences are focused on promoting personal reflection.  I invite you to reach out directly with any questions about the program.

Meet Our Faculty

The Gratz College learning community is shaped by our amazing faculty. Our instructors come from a variety of educational spaces including schools, arts organizations and state agencies. As facilitators of the learning process, their goal is to inspire students towards reflection and deep thinking about teaching and learning. They share a passion for education, and view their role as collaborators in providing applicable course content and resources, and helping students to connect this learning to their individual teaching practices. 

education Faculty

The most meaningful thing I learned during my graduate school experience is the power of positive relationships. I have learned so much from my professors and classmates. These positive relationships showed me how to persevere no matter what challenges lay ahead. 

— Leandra Poole, M.Ed. student

A portrait of Leandra Poole