assessment of student learning
The assessment of student learning is the process of gathering student performance data in order to determine what students know, understand, and can do as a result of their educational experience at Gratz College. Results are utilized for refining curriculum and instruction that will contribute to the ultimate purpose of improving student achievement.
This section describes the process that guides the assessment of student learning.
Collection of Data and Reporting of Results
Each degree program collects data to demonstrate progress against the stated learning goals. Data collection occurs in accordance with a defined schedule whereby all institutional learning goals are assessed over a two-year period with the exception of Scientific/Quantitative Literacy, which is assessed via transfer credit.
Each Program Assessment Report that presents results and findings and describes progress toward the specific learning goal. The Program Assessment Report also describes the use or intended use of student learning findings in the form of recommendations and action steps.
The Program Assessment Report is prepared by the program director and submitted to the Faculty Liaison for Assessment. In consideration of the data and findings presented within all Program Assessment Reports, the Faculty Liaison for Assessment develops a comprehensive report of student learning, which is submitted to the President. The President presents the results of institutional effectiveness to the Board of Governors for use in the planning and budgeting process.
A perpetual assessment calendar, which runs from June to June, guides all assessment cycles.
Dissemination of Assessment Results
Gratz College is committed to sharing assessment results with stakeholders to ensure maximum use of results and findings. Reports, presentations, and updates are generated to provide the results of assessment to pertinent constituents.
The Dean for Academic Affairs oversees the dissemination of all assessment information and results. As a small college, the flow of communication is clear and precise. Originating from the Dean for Academic Affairs, information is distributed upward to the governance level (President and Board of Governors) and downward to the program level (program directors and faculty) and operational level (division directors and staff). Relevant results are posted to the website for students and the Gratz community.