Veteran's Benefits
Veteran’s Education Benefits
The Department of Veterans Affairs determines the eligibility of educational benefits to which Undergraduate and Graduate students are entitled. Gratz College is dedicated to assisting veterans and their dependents as they reach personal, professional and academic goals. If you have any questions regarding the application for your benefits, remaining entitlement, or any other general benefits questions, please contact the Veteran’s Affairs Office of the Philadelphia Education Department at 1.888.GI-BILL-1 (1.888.442.4551) or visit .
Below are some of the different benefits available:
- Chapter 33 – Post 9/11 GI Bill ®
- Transfer of Post 9/11 GI Bill ® Benefits to Dependents (TEB)
- Chapter 30 – Montgomery GI Bill ® - Active Duty
- Chapter 31 – Vocational Rehabilitation
- Chapter 35 – Dependents Educational Assistance
You may be eligible to use VA educational benefits at Gratz College. If you are, you must select which benefit to receive. You cannot receive payment for more than one benefit at a time. If you are eligible for more than one benefit, you should contact the VA to discuss your educational plans.
VA Student Responsibilities:
- Be accepted for enrollment to a degree program or be currently enrolled in a degree program at the Gratz College.
- Submit the Certificate of Eligibility provided to them by the VA to Gratz College’s School Certifying Official (SCO).
- Gratz College’s SCO will submit your enrollment, tuition and fee information for each semester of enrollment to the VA.
- It is the responsibility of the VA student to provide the SCO with any changes to enrollment (add, drop, withdraw from a course) each semester on a timely basis. This can be done by emailing the SCO at
- Whenever you add, drop or withdraw from a course, it may affect your VA benefits. The VA will notify you if the change in enrollment resulted in a debt to the VA. You will be responsible for paying any debt back to the VA.
Gratz College's SCO:
Jeanne Cavalieri-Grover
VA Certifying Official / Financial Aid Consultant
Gratz College
Office: 215.635.7300 x102
"GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at