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Academic Dishonesty

Honesty and integrity are central human and Jewish values. Cheating and plagiarism are intolerable and are always considered extremely serious offenses by Gratz College faculty and administration. It is recognized that the vast majority of students do not participate in such acts but ultimately suffer when cheating and plagiarism and other academic violations occur. Dishonesty diminishes the quality of scholarship and compromises the integrity of the institution and Gratz College faculty and administration. 
 It is a serious violation of the norms of the academic community to appropriate the ideas of other people without credit or permission, and it is important to learn to discriminate between exploitation and the legitimate use of the ideas of others. The most general rule is that any use of another person’s ideas, whether the source is published or not, should be acknowledged fully and in detail. Since disciplines show some differences on how this should be done, students should refer to the Gratz style guide for writing (i.e. citation styles) in the learning management system for specific details. 

The full Code of Academic Responsibility can be found in the Academic Catalog.