Yael Margalit Moses, Emeritus Assistant Professor of Hebrew, is an eighth generation native of Israel who earned her M.A. at the Baltimore Hebrew University in Judaic Studies, with a concentration in Hebrew Literature and her M.S. from Towson University in Instructional technology. Professor Moses taught Hebrew Language and Literature at The George Washington University from 1977 until 2007 and served as the Hebrew Program Coordinator until 1999. During her tenure as coordinator the program grew to include four years of Hebrew course offerings. She created and taught the Israeli Media course targeting special needs of students in the Elliott School of International Affairs, both under graduate and graduate. Her research and development area has been mainly in the realm of Instructional Technology. She has developed a multimedia-interactive software package to be used by students to master the writing of the Hebrew cursive alphabet. Her ongoing contributions to the Language Laboratory have included original instructional and enrichment materials focusing on the development of listening comprehension and writing skills.