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Battling Indifference: How We Teach the Holocaust

Sunday, November 6, 2022

1:00 - 6:00 pm ET
Online and In-Person at Gratz College

Irwin Cotler and Elisha Wiesel headshots

Featuring a Dialogue with Elisha Wiesel and the Honorable Irwin Cotler

Moderated by Randi Boyette
1:00 - 2:30 pm ET
Participate Online or In-Person

To kickoff the Holocaust Teach-In's day of learning, Elisha Wiesel and the Honorable Irwin Cotler will discuss the importance of Holocaust education for protecting human rights and preventing mass atrocity. Join President Zev Eleff, moderator Randi Boyette of the Philadelphia ADL, and the Tuzman family in-person at Gratz College. Boyette will engage Wiesel and Cotler, who will be joining remotely, on the challenges and opportunities for leadership in today's world.

Through community leadership and social justice advocacy, Wiesel carries on the legacy of his late father, Elie Wiesel (Nobel laureate and author of Night). As Founder and International Chair of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights, and Canada's Special Envoy on Preserving Holocaust Remembrance and Combatting Antisemitism, Cotler has served as one of the world's leading human rights advocates.

All are invited to participate in this day of learning.


Registrants can elect to participate online via Zoom or in-person at Gratz College (7605 Old York Road, Melrose Park, PA 19027).

Opening Presentation: 1:00 - 2:30 pm

A Dialogue with The Honorable Irwin Cotler and Elisha Wiesel

Concurrent Session I: 2:45 - 3:45 pm

Concurrent Session II: 4:00 - 5:00 pm

Closing Panel Discussion: 5:00 - 6:00 pm
(Open to the public)

The Gratz College Holocaust Geniza Project
Presentation and Panel Discussion
This newly digitized archive provides access to primary source materials and other Holocaust-related resources and artifacts that make a significant contribution to the historical record and study of the Holocaust.

Donna Guerin, Director, Gratz College Tuttleman Library
Josey Fisher, Director, Gratz College Holocaust Oral History Archive
Elias Sacks, Director, Jewish Publication Society

Zev Eleff, President, Gratz College

Hybrid presentation with in-person and online participation options



Tickets: $18.00
Ticket & CLE Credit for Attorneys: $54.00
Gratz Student, Faculty, Staff: Free

Want to support the Gratz Center for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights? Click here.

Arnold and Esther Tuzman_young

Arnold and Esther Tuzman Memorial Holocaust Teach-In
The biennial Teach-In is made possible by the generosity of the late Arnold and Esther Tuzman. Arnold and Esther Tuzman each fled their homes as teens to escape the Nazis. Esther was hidden by a Polish Catholic farmer. After imprisonment in a Siberian labor camp, Arnold served in the Polish-Russian army. Still in uniform after V-day, Arnold gave a ride to a beautiful young woman named Esther. They married in 1946 and immigrated to the US in 1947. The Tuzman family is proud to support The Arnold and Esther Tuzman Holocaust Education Fund.

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Our Partners

American Jewish Committee (AJC)

Anti-Defamation League

Champions of Caring

Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors Association

Consortium of Holocaust Educators of Greater Philadelphia

Council for Relationships

Embrace Your Legacy

Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC)

Fegelson-Young-Feinberg Post 697 Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A.

HIAS Pennsylvania

Holocaust Awareness Museum and Education Center

Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center of Florida

The Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center, Naples FL

Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations of Saint Joseph's University

Jewish Children's Folkshul and Adult Community

Jewish Community Relations Council, Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia

Kehillah of Old York Road, Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia

Max and Tessie Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies, Carleton University

New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education

Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights

Raritan Valley Community College Institute of Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Rowan Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights

Sephardic Heritage International (SHIN) DC

Sons and Daughters of Holocaust Survivors

St. Elizabeth University

3G Philly