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Let's Meet Nashirah

The Jewish Chorale of Greater Philadelphia

Nashirah choir group shot

Sunday, April 18, 2021
11:00 am - 12:15 pm ET, Zoom
Dr. Julia Zavadsky, Artistic director/conductor

Learn about the history of the only auditioned Jewish choral ensemble in Philadelphia. President Cynthia Silber MD, board member Arthur Feldman MD and other choir members will share and discuss several pieces of music, as well as the history of Nashirah. We'll also meet the conductor/artistic director of the choir: Dr. Julia Zavadsky, professor of music at Temple University and the Curtis Institute of Music. She will talk about her journey as an immigrant conductor from Kiev, Ukraine, through Jerusalem and making her way to Philadelphia. Feel free to ask plenty of questions!

General Admission: $10


About Nashirah, the Jewish Chorale of Greater Philadelphia

About Dr. Zavadsky

Julia Zavadsky received her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in conducting from Stony Brook University and her Master of Music degree in conducting from Temple University. Before immigrating to the United States from Ukraine, she earned Bachelor of Music degrees in music theory, conducting, and composition from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and the R. Glier Kyiv Institute of Music. Dr. Zavadsky studied conducting with Timothy Long in New York, Alan Harler and Janet Yamron in Philadelphia, Aharon Harlap in Jerusalem, and Mikhail Hardayev in Kyiv, Ukraine.

A recipient of the Elaine Brown Award for Choral Excellence and a winner of numerous international choral festival competitions, Dr. Zavadsky is the artistic director of Nashirah, the Jewish Chorale of Greater Philadelphia; the Rutgers University Singers; and the Singing Hearts Choral Society of Southern New Jersey, which she founded in 2011. Her ensembles have performed in such venues as the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts and Field Concert Hall in Philadelphia and Carnegie Hall and New York Theatre Workshop in New York; and have participated in tours to the Middle East and Europe. Since 2006 Dr. Zavadsky has organized and hosted annual choral festivals for high school, university, and community choirs at Rutgers University. Fluent in Russian, Ukrainian, and Hebrew, she has worked with numerous opera singers, choirs, soloists, and conductors as a language coach. Dr. Zavadsky joined the faculty of the Curtis Institute of Music in 2019. She also teaches at Temple University and Rutgers University since 2000.

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