The End of Jewish Learning?
A Vision for a Digital Age
The End of Jewish Learning? A Vision for a Digital Age
Zev Eleff, President, Gratz College
November 4, 7:00 pm ET Online
The Digital Age has transformed the way we communicate and absorb information. The Stanford researcher, Sam Wineburg, summed up the situation in the title of his latest book, Why Learn History (When It's Already on Your Phone). But the current condition is not without precedent. Together, the Gratz community and President Eleff will explore how technology has previously threatened to upend Jewish learning. The responses have varied but all point to the resilience and dynamism of Jewish culture to engage each checkpoint in the modern world.
Supported by a major endowment, the Shusterman series is dedicated to bringing outstanding programs to Gratz College. Gratz College is grateful for the generosity and foresight of Judith (z”l) and Murray (z”l) Shusterman.