Gratz College invites you to the online, biennial Arnold and Esther Tuzman Memorial Holocaust Teach-In featuring Art Spiegelman, the Pulitzer Prize-winning artist, illustrator, and author of Maus.
Spiegelman will discuss his art, comics as a medium, and Maus, the masterful Holocaust narrative that tells the story his parents’ survival and his experience as the child of survivors.
Additional sessions include a workshop on teaching Maus; an informal session with Mr. Spiegelman for Gratz students; and an exclusive session for Teach-In sponsors with Mr. Spiegelman, who will provide a tour of his library and art studio. The entire Teach-In program will be presented online.
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
VIP Sponsors Session with Art Spiegelman
1:00 pm – 2:15 pm
Facilitated by Rabbi Lance J. Sussman, Ph.D., Gratz College Board of Governors
2:45 pm – 3:45 pm
Session I: Teaching Maus (recommended for High School and College levels)
In this workshop on teaching Maus at the high school and college levels, Gary Weissman (Gratz College Adjunct Professor and Associate Professor of English at the University of Cincinnati) will address opportunities and challenges involved in assigning cartoonist Art Spiegelman’s remarkable work. Maus will be discussed as a graphic narrative that operates on three levels: first, it depicts Artie’s experiences as a child of Holocaust survivors and his efforts to gather and tell his father’s story; second it recounts his father Vladek’s experiences of being a Jew in Nazi-occupied Europe and surviving Auschwitz; and third, it conveys Spiegelman’s deliberations and ruminations on depicting his father’s story in comic book form. Prof. Weissman will engage participants in an approach to teaching Maus that explores the interplay of these three levels. Participants will see how, by attending to Spiegelman’s unique strategies for rendering events often described as unimaginable, students can learn much about the representation, memory, and traumatic impact of the Holocaust.
Session II: Conversation with Art Spiegelman (Gratz students only)
3:45 pm
Teach-In concludes
General admission is $18.00. Gratz students, faculty, and staff can register for free with a valid Gratz email address. Fee waivers for financial hardship are available by request to
Interested in becoming a Teach-In sponsor?
Your sponsorship will help to advance our mission of providing high quality Holocaust education to ensure the next generation understands the importance of “never forget” -- and has the tools to work towards “never again.”
All sponsors receive:
Access to exclusive pre-event VIP session with Mr. Spiegelman, who will give a tour of his book shelf and art studio
Complimentary registration for the main online event with Art Spiegelman
Acknowledgement during the event and on the Gratz website
Click below to review sponsorship levels for additional benefits, such as copies of Maus with signed author bookplates.
Arnold and Esther Tuzman Memorial Holocaust Teach-In
The biennial Teach-In is made possible by the generosity of the late Arnold and Esther Tuzman. Arnold and Esther Tuzman each fled their homes as teens to escape the Nazis. Esther was hidden by a Polish Catholic farmer. After imprisonment in a Siberian labor camp, Arnold served in the Polish-Russian army. Still in uniform after V-day, Arnold gave a ride to a beautiful young woman named Esther. They married in 1946 and immigrated to the US in 1947. The Tuzman family is proud to support The Arnold and Esther Tuzman Holocaust Education Fund.
Gratz Event Calendar
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