This course seeks to thematically examine genocide in the 20th century. It explores how the perpetration of and the experience of genocide can be better understood when using gender as a tool of analysis. This course touches on the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, and the genocides that occurred in Cambodia, Bosnia and Kosovo, and Rwanda. Over fifteen units, this course examines the themes of the role of male bonding as an induction to participate in mass murder, the particular threat to men and boys during genocide, the damage and restructuring of family life that occurs, the expanding and/or altering of gender roles for women, the particular female vulnerability of being targeted for rape, the loss of individuality women experience as their bodies become a space where genocide occurs, and finally how genocide is remembered and memorialized. Scholarly books and articles from across disciplines, as well as literature, memoirs, and other primary sources will be employed as we discuss these themes in the online forum and written assignments.
Note: Master's students should register for HGS 558. Doctoral students should register for HGS 758.