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HGS 610/730 - The Cambodian Genocide

This class covers the Cambodian Genocide committed by the Khmer Rouge between 1975 and 1979, the historical contexts in which the genocide emerged, and the aftermaths of the genocide. We will study the way colonial and geopolitical conflicts set the stage for mass violence in Cambodia, and the way the US War in Vietnam galvanized and inspired every-day Cambodians to join the Khmer Rouge movement. We will then study the way the genocide developed and unfolded between 1975 and 1979, paying attention to the social, cultural, and political dynamics of the genocide and interaction between the genocidal process and social, economic, and political conflicts. The class will then look at the post-genocide social, religious, and political recovery efforts in the 1980s, the UN-backed peace process in the 1990s, and the rise of transitional justice efforts in the 2000s (which continues to this day). Students will also gain an understanding of what post-genocide peacemaking, peacekeeping, peacebuilding, transitional justice, and reconciliation has looked like in Cambodia between 1979 and 2019.

Note: Master's students should register for HGS 610. Doctoral students should register for HGS 730.