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Gratz College
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title IX

The Title IX Amendment prohibits sex discrimination in all the operations at Gratz College, as well as retaliation for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by Title IX.

Title IX protects students, employees, applicants for admission and employment, and other persons from all forms of sex discrimination, including discrimination based on gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity. All students (as well as other persons) at recipient institutions are protected by Title IX—regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, part- or full-time status, disability, race, or national origin—in all aspects of a recipient’s educational programs and activities. Sexual misconduct against students, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, and sexual exploitation, can be a form of sex discrimination under Title IX.

You should contact the Title IX Coordinator in order to:

  • seek information or training about students’ rights and courses of action available to resolve reports or complaints that involve potential sex discrimination,
  • file a complaint or make a report of sex discrimination, including sexual misconduct, • notify the School of an incident or policy or procedure that may raise potential Title IX concerns,
  • get information about available resources (including confidential resources) and support services relating to sex discrimination,
  • ask questions about the School’s policies and procedures related to sex discrimination, including sexual misconduct.

Title IX Policy Current

Title IX Policy pre-August 2024

Pregnancy Policy August 2024



Dr. Ruth Sandberg
Title IX Coordinator
215-635-7300 x 168

Thomas Cipriano
Deputy Coordinator
215-635-7300 x 195

General Contact Email